Residential Cleaning

Get Your Bond Back with Our Professional Bond Cleaning Services!

Making your rental property clean enough to ensure you get their bond return can be stressful and time-consuming! The compatibility of our Bond Cleaning service is rest assured that meets the high standards as per land lords/property managers. We do it all — dusting and mopping to deep cleaning carpets, bathrooms, kitchens. Our experienced team, takes care of the property properly in order to get refund on your bond without any complications.

Our expert cleaning team has a wealth of resources, including state-of-the-art technology and eco-friendly products to assist in all types of challenges. Our attention to detail is second-to-none, and areas that generally go unnoticed like under furniture or behind appliances/and grout lines are all given the time they deserve. The Bond Cleaning service we provide assures you that your property returns to its pristine place free from dirt and dust for the final inspection — either moving out from an apartment or house.

Stress-Free Move with Our Expert Bond Cleaning Services!

Our Bond Cleaning takes care of the cleaning while you concentrate on your move. We clean your property top to bottom, left to right so it qualifies for you bond return. We offer a fast, fully reliable team that will come to make your rental clean as new again and allow you not only getting back on track for moving out but ensuring peace of mind.

I was afraid that my bond would be retained, but their bond cleaning service was spotless. Everything shone like new and that was good enough for the landlord.”

Ben, Auckland